Tuesday, July 25, 2006

140th post

I dont know. Sorrow and sadness just grips you like a vice sometimes, doesnt it?I dont have an explanation for this but when it comes, I cant do anything else but to take it aaalllll in. Its like swallowing a large spoonful of bitter medicine. And no, a spoonful of sugar doesnt help to make it go down.

Somehow, as I sat in front of the comp, eating the meiji dark chocolate, it just doesnt taste half as good as when i was eating it with the girls at the studio. We used to have like a ritual thingy. When someone buys food especially that specific dark chocolate, all of us will automatically pull our chairs to the center and the owner of the chocolate will either break off a few pieces and distribute to everyone or each of us will break off any amount we want. Im not a fan of dark chocolates but when you're with your mates, anything tastes good. Well, not crap lah.


In the wake of the chaos
In the midst of the crowd
Flailing my arms about like
Some sort of a kook
Looked to the left and moved on
Almost run over by a drunken cow
Pissed cow screamed 'what the fuck!!!'
Shouted back 'fuck off you sodding ass!!!'
Took a step back
Fell over a pile of screaming banshees
Where am i again?
im back at square one.

Last weekend, was quite pissed off with the old man at home. Its the usual thing, its always his stupid black mood everytime he wakes up that makes us all dont want to take shower before he does. Whats the purpose of having another toilet in the master bedroom if you dont use it? What the hell is he thinking anyway? Who in the world can finish taking a shower in 5 mins? NO ONE, HE doesnt even get out of the toilet in less than 10 mins and yet he’s always banging on the toilet door, shouting and nagging at us for dawdling in the toilet. Sheesh, I dont know what to say. Nonsense and stupid right? Arhh, im tired lah of figuring out what is it that he wants out of us all. Spite. Maybe its spite. Theres a good example for this spite thingy in the death of a salesmen script, but I dont remember it. Its ok, will write it in tomorrow lah.

oh yar, this is my 140th post. So what you say? Well, there's more actually, but i just didnt have the mood to post it and some of it was lost when i changed my url...haiz....

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