Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Hmm..i cant help it. Im addicted to blogging. I just cant stop writing. This reminds me that i have to get a new notebook for work.

Anyway, this question has been haunting me since last week. It suddenly occured to me (well, actually it was a loooong time ago) that we are all voyeurs, in a different context lah. And we're exhibitionists too, some of us. Its soo much like Hitchcock's Rear Window. We're always looking out for things happening in other people's lives. Waiting for some thing bad or exciting. We just cant stop nosing our way into people's private lives. And we also love to show off. Be it our dress sense, the stuff we just bought and the way we blog. Are we really that bored? Have we got nothing better to do? Maybe its due to all these reality tv shows.

But the point is....hmm...i dont have a point actually.

FYI, we bought the tickets yesterday evening!!! Yay to us both. Couldnt get the one from grassland express because they dont have return tickets. Boleh pergi lepas tu tak payah balik. Nice. Then we walked around and asked other bus companies. We got the last 2 tickets. Syukur alhamdulillah. So now, there's exactly 3 more days to THE DAY that norain and i will be free from adult supervision, work and singapore. Wahahaha, like what norain said last night..

" I cant wait to lick the taste of freedom..."

Haha, disgusting right?

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