Friday, May 05, 2006


Thursday, 4th May, ’06 7pm

I had the weirdest dream ever. There was the Dalai Lama, a kind of courtly royal gathering, a discussion on the correct pronunciation of Marlon Brando (which left me totally inspired in the dream) and finally a broken lamp with complicated contraptions which I kept trying to light up and this finally leads to the prince inviting everyone for a feast.

Yes I did try to make sense of it on the way to work but staring off into space with a puzzled expression on my face, only invites curious stares from people all around. Funny right? I think subconsciously, my mind is making up for the lost of entertainment in my life by coming up with silly dreams.

Anyway, yesterday was supposed to be the last day of CoTo, but since everyone hasn’t finished their models, we’re going to have to continue for 2 or 3 more sessions. To be frank, im thankful that Lehn made me and ys go to the workshop instead of his redhill office. I get to meet all the crazy and annoying people who im beginning to miss. Its hard not to miss the people who you see almost everyday for the past 3 years. Those people who share the lost of blood, sweat and tears while trying to impress the lecturers and their friends. God, why am I so sentimental today? Must be because of all the sappy songs on the radio.

So, if you ask me how’s life right now, I wouldn’t know what to say. My life is like a picture puzzle that im trying to piece together. Things don’t usually go the way I planned it but wait, im not a planner at all. I never even planned what to do next month, let alone next week. It’s a mess I tell you. A mess which I always try to sweep under the carpet so that no one knows about it. Cheh, I hate this pondering mood of mine. Will write in when something interesting happens, like AS IF!! Ciao.

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