Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Monday, 8th May, 06

Another week of work to go through but thank god for Friday. It will be Vesak day, woohoo. I finally bought hoffmann’s book which I had been searching for since year 2. God, it seems like ages ago right? And I bought the Strokes first impressions of earth. Nice. How do I explain his singing? Its draggy but his voice rocks lah. The songs are reminiscent of the rock maintain era. Not sure which era though. The album cover book has a lot of reminders or should I say quotes that remind you about the weirdness of life. One such quote took me a long time to figure out. Firstly because it was upside down, and a bit blurry and very,very small. It says..

“ No one leaves an old friend unless they are ashamed..”

Hmm.. Don’t know what to say.

I dont think im ready to handle everything. She wants me to lead the 3 coming presentations. God, I have to present all the work in front of old, working people. Noooo. Just think about it, one day I might end up like one of them. No, that’s not going to happen. Something will happen and it will change my life forever. Sounds clichĂ© right. But really, God certainly has something planned for me. Right?

So another thought has been bugging me since last week. It reminds me of the first few theory lectures in year 1. Each of us are in our own little world. No matter what people say about everyone being connected in some way or the other, we are still in our own little spherical bubble. Just imagine, if God were to make life much simpler, the world would be filled with bubbles instead of human beings. So how do couples…. Ok, I’ll keep that thought to myself. Hah..;p I think the seclusion has made me a bit ding dong.

So, im still waiting. But why should I if I just want to satisfy people’s needs. God, I miss doing nothing at home.
Im reduced to reading people’s blogs and tagging on it just to make sure that I am a part of this big world and not stuck in some god forsaken planet in outer space.

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