Thursday, February 24, 2005


“You must discover ten truths a day: otherwise you will seek truth in the night too, with your soul still hungry.
You must laugh and be cheerful ten times a day: or your stomach, that father of affliction, will disturb you in the night.”

These are the quotes from Nietzsche’s Zarathustra. It makes perfect sense doesn’t it? It’s happening to us right now. I mean, we can’t sleep knowing that there’s more to our design that we haven’t found. We can’t sleep because we’re so caught up in thinking, in finding the Truth of our design. I’m not sure if I’m phrasing my sentences right, I’m still thinking of my draft. See, I’m still searching for another truth. How to sleep well at night?

Laughing and being cheerful ten times a day? My God, I don’t think I can accomplish that. That’s why I’ve been having stomach cramps at night. Hmm.. but I think I can sleep well tonight because I smiled lot today. I saw Lehning this morning while I was on my way to the studio. He was sooo cute with his jacket, specs and that floppy fringe of his. I was smiling even as I walked into the studio. I even smiled alone while I was doing my draft. I just hope that Sri didn’t notice me grinning by myself (he was sitting at the opposite desk), it will look as though I’ve gone cuckoo. Norain was asking whether he makes my day better. Duh! That smile was so cute, how could I not feel happy, ahh.. I should have taken a picture of him when he was smiling just now. Damn. I missed an opportunity which was just once in a lifetime. Hope to see him again tomorrow.. hehehe.. for your info, I’m still grinning like an asshole right now. Ahh.. so cute..

Don’t mock me just because I like old guys. And don’t ever say that I flirt. This applies to you Norain. Old guys just look charming. For example, Sean Patrick Flannery, Lehning (hehehehe) and one of the ministers in Singapore. I can’t remember his name but he’s half Indian, half Chinese, he’s in charge of sports or something. Marc Anthony and Pierce Brosnan are charming too. Actually there’s more but I can’t remember right now.
Ok, enough of me gushing over old guys. I need to sleep. Just one more quote from Nietzsche which is very interesting.

“What is the greatest thing that you can experience? It is the hour of the great contempt. The hour in which even your happiness grows loathsome to you, and your reason and your virtue also.”

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