Tuesday, August 30, 2005

hate ur guts

I couldn’t sleep last night. I was afraid that I might have that nightmare again. This will sound silly but I have had nightmares of all my teeth falling out. All of it. And then my mouth was full of my broken tooth, lots of it, even my baby tooth. I could feel the sharp edges of my teeth at my bare gums and the taste of blood was so real. My mouth was so full of broken tooth that I had to spit some out but it still kept filling my mouth. I kept spitting and spitting it out but it still felt as though there were a thousand more tooth inside my mouth. Ugh, Im grinding my teeth now just to make sure its all intact. Ok, its intact.

So, ive got nothing else to write right now. I just want to say to someone out there that
“I HATE YOUR GUTS!!”.. That’s it then.Ciao.

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