Friday, August 19, 2005

oh, come on

Someone left the tap running this morning. I was half awake, still dreaming a nice dream(sigh...) but i could hear water rushing madly down the drain. I was like, "what the hell, can someone go and turn off the bloody tap." After about 15 mins or so( i have no idea actually, i was in La La Land for God's sake) of dreaming and still no one wants to wake up, I had to wake up and open my eyes to walk to the kitchen like some drunken asshole to turn off the tap. Bloody hell. Some one's gonna get a long, long nagging session from me today. Why does it always have to be only me who can hear water dripping or leaking in the middle of the night?

Anyway, im tired of going to the toilet. Everytime i sit and nurse my stomach, thoughts come flowing in and there's nothing i can do to stop it. Why is it that ideas come to me in an enclosed space but not when im at school or the library? Pathetic man. Oh yeah, before i forget, i was sitting in the toilet, looking up at the ceiling and the pipes when i remembered the pipes at the next block. This may sound weird and a bit crazy but the water pipes at the top of the flat next door looked so beautiful. Really, it was a month ago, at around 5 pm and i was watching tv when the pipes caught my eyes. Maybe it was the afternoon sun which hits the pipes at an angle or something but the pipes looked like a work of art. I don't know how to describe it, its just so....beautiful. Haha, what an achievement right? I have seen water pipes in a different light and it looked beautiful. I sound like a sicko.

Ok, im tired of typing, write in when i feel like it. Ciao.

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