Friday, May 18, 2007


I apologise, it has been awhile since i thought of you. Its not that you never crossed my mind, its just that lately, i have been occupied with so many things, well... ok, fine, one thing only which is work. But really, its not my fault since you disappeared without a trace and i heard no news from you at all.

I remember the first time i saw you. Actually, i heard your voice first before seeing you. It was during literature class in sec 2, my best buddy and i were doing our work when i heard you. Frankly speaking, i was annoyed at first. But then, something happened. I felt that i could connect with what you were saying. Yes, at that point of time, i was quite the temperamental one. Hormones. What more can you expect from a 14 year old? Anyway, when i saw your face, it was LOVE at first sight. Never have i seen a person who can look geeky but so hot at the same time. FYI, im drooling right now...;p

Since then, i tried to follow your every move and listened to every word you said, in between coping with all the things that happened at home and school. You were always there for me, and you dont know what an impact you left in my life. But as exhilarating as it is to hear your voice, its also such a bummer to know that you already have someone else...Sigh...

Anyway, i should be glad since i finally saw you after almost a year or two of disappearance. And i am not ashamed to say that i wanted to faint when i say you with the new haircut and style. Heee.... after all these years, i still go gaga over you...

The thing is, I just want you to know that my feelings for you will never ever change, you are and will always be my first love, even though you're already taken. You always have my back, man. Keep on being cool. I know you may not be able to read this, ever....but stilll......i cant resist it whenever i hear your voice or see your face..........

Dear.......i just wanna say......


(to the owner of the pic, sorry, i just had to use this pic cos my darling looks so yummy)