Monday, May 05, 2008

and the reason for the emo-ness... because that week of the month has arrived. That's why i cried at the slightest sad moments in the j-dramas that i've watched. Dont get me started on Nodame Cantabile. All the scenes have been popping up in my mind, like flashbacks. And im sooo addicted to Tamaki Hiroshi, i think i might just froth in the mouth if i dont see his picture or watch a video of him today. And takuya kimura, why do i feel like giggling like a bimbo and melting into a puddle all at the same time whenever i watch ur movie or drama? These guys are too hot i tell you. And they should be punished for making me dream of them at night. Yeah, they should be sentenced to a kiss and a bear hug from lil ol moi, EVERYDAY....wahaha, yes, im evil...

Anyway, I am in desperate need of some action and drama in my life. No, not the drama in work, that's a different kind of thing altogether. I want to fall in love. head over heels in love. I want to be dumped and dump someone else in return. I want to feel anger and sadness over that someone. And for once i want to be needed, like my presence matters to people other than my family or friends. For someone to message me asking how my day was or to tell me just how cute i am. Hey, I AM CUTE. For someone to shower me with attention and affection. Is that so much to ask for??

And also to love that someone, to worry about him, to be angry at him, to make him feel like he's the handsomest guy in the world (but no one can top chester, takuya and tamaki lah). To talka nd eat togehter and just to walk side by side. to listen to his fears, his frustration, his happiness, his dreams and make it mine as well.

But somewhere inside, it feels like these kind of things doesnt exist and that its not real. So do i mean to say that everybody around me is not in love but just going through the motions?

Am i cynical cos i dont think they really are in love? I dont know. And i dont think i can ever fall in love. It is just absurd to think that someone out there will fall in love with a short potty mouth, scatterbrained, jap/korea drama addict and Chester loving Me. Its like saying i like techno music!!

But i wish He will grant me the opportunity to fall in love, even if it means i get my heart broken into a million pieces or i act all girly girl/lovey dovey. Cos then all those love songs will mean much more,and i guess i will really be LIVING and not just ''going through the motions.."

Cheh, im so emo, i hate it...

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