Thursday, February 08, 2007

maybe, the reason why we're feeling guilty when we read back and all we've talked or blogged about is about ourself, is because all these while, these bloggings used to be in diaries or journals where no one would get access to. Where no one would know how shitty we feel, how stupid or how proud we get at certain situations and how lonely we feel when everybody has that special someone next to them and we dont. Its because now, we know that others are reading and also judging us. And maybe this makes us insecure. As for me, although, i've said countless times that i dont give a fuck's arse what people think of me, for that one second, it does hurt when people see me as a fool, a bitch, a selenge, or even just a girl. We ARE only humans. Humans have FEELINGS. And though there's the language barrier, i know you're talking shit about me, just by looking at the way you talk and your facial expression.

Have you ever wondered whether you are living in the matrix? Yeah, lame but seriously, im starting to think that everything is fake. I've attended meetings where i sit and listen to people talk and i went like 'What the hell am i doing here?' . This equation doesnt fit, work=money=food. But in work, there's crap+blood+tears+frustration+etc,yada,yada,yada. Im not saying that we dont have to work but some people are just so damn assholic, its like, are you from earth or did hell just decided to spit you out? And im not expecting a fairy tale or the good always overcomes the evil, but you have to understand, life is already stressful enough with having to deal with workload and thinking about the sinful thing we call money, i dont need more stress coming from you. You, who is also going through the same thing as me and the rest of the working population on Earth. God knows how much pleasure you people derive out of demeaning people and shouting at them across the phone just because of some stupid chair.

Seriously, i dont need all this. And i definitely dont need to be facing people who hears voices saying that we are badmouthing about them to other people. But then again, its just work, at the end of the day, i dont get to spend the rest of my life with them, so that's one of the comforting thoughts.

In conclusion, this entry makes no sense at all. So bite me.

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