Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Man, im.so fucking.tired. Well, guess where i am right now?Yes, still in the office, doing up the presentation boards. When is it going to end? I swear if i have to work on it again tomorrow, i will just jump down from this 20th floor condo unit. Wait, too drastic, the most i would do is just rip up all the papers within my reach and bang and stomp on the the table like a spoilt brat. Arghhhh, my neck and shoulders hurt soo much. I feel like crying but what's the point. Waste air mata ajer. As a friend of mine said a long time ago, lebih baik minum air dari buang air. Oookaay, that sounds weird.

Anyway, 6 more days to raya!!!!!!! Woohoo, im excited, 3 days (if mama Yoda gives me 2 days off) of freedom and loads of eating all the goodies and sinful food. I tell you, im gonna gobble everything that contains chocolate. Yummy, and i cant wait to eat mum's, erm, what's is called again? God, im so freaking hungry that i cant remember what my favourite raya dish is. This is crazy man. Its sambal kacang, no, its, WTF. I give up man. its like rendang but its sambal tumis with kacang and daging. Apekebende lah name die aku boleh lupe pulak. haiz..

I keep having the urge to write poems, to write essays, to read up theory stuff on design and its very depressing cos im so blahdy busy nowadays that i dont even have the time to read the papers. Sob, sob. And i missed House yesterday. That's two times already you know. Hmm, i need to have my daily dose of theory stuff. Seriously, i dont know why i love to read up stuff which, to tell you the truth, most of it i dont understand. Its just comforting to read those essays. Its like reading up children's fairy tales. It makes you forget about the real world, as in YOUR real world. Those essays are like, hmm, its like snuggling up into a thick warm blanket when the weather is cold and freezing. yeah, it feels like that, dont ask me why. Oklah, im going back home. Im tired, hungry and going cuckoo. I gotta ask my mum the name of my fave dish. Is it sambal daging or....

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