Friday, September 19, 2008

sanso gateun nuh...

wakakakaka.....i nicked these pics from other people. Sorry, but when you have a craving for a perfect jawline, smouldering eyes, crooked sharp nose complete with a sexy/smiling but kind of sulking at the same time lips, you dont really care about other things. Oooooh, i LOVE LOVE LOVE this very first pix, the lips part...hah

She called this morning, and i can hear the nervousness in her voice, nobody was there to accompany her for the checkup at NUH. I couldnt take leave because of my deadline and i feel really bad about it. And when she called me back about 2 hours later, she sounded tired. Next friday kene pergi x-ray and then on the 10th another follow up. They are suspecting she has stones in her bladder or she might have some cancerous growth, kidney failure, etc. Sigh, i dont know how to react, its between incredulousness and shock. Nothings confirmed yet so we'll just pray hard its not serious.
But its got me thinking seriously, about donation of kidneys and stuff. What if a family member, close relative or a close friend needs blood/kidney etc? Will i have the courage to donate no matter what the end result might be? Yes im slightly afraid of needles, cant stand the thought of that thing poking through my skin and sucking my blood out. But i can watch other people get their injection, at least i think i can. Anyway, that's besides the point.
What if?
What will i do then?

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