Friday, November 09, 2007


A friend has admitted that she has indeed fallen in love with an old friend of ours. Well, oklah, she didnt actually say those words, she said that i'll laugh at her if she confessed something. Well, that's like confessing right? Because a few weeks ago, i asked directly whether she had any feelings for him. But she berteka teki dengan aku pulak..binawe..

Oh, what can i say other than I TOLD YOU SO!!!! Hah, there's bound to be some kind of special feelings once the guy has said that he likes you and both of you are getting kind of close at the moment, and to top it up, you are currently single mingle. hehehe..

Im dying to hear her confess, yelah, aku kan makcik kepo. Lagipun, its exciting to hear what's going on exactly and why/how/what made her change her mind. Do you know that this boy used to date another close girlfriend of ours? Ooooh, i actually have a list of boys who had fallen for my friend but i think that's only for me to know..;p

Anyway, a recent conversation on the net with another friend made me think about relationships between those who are of the ripe age to marry, like our age for instance (since skarang,banyak yang kahwin muda). So if you are dating now, is it just love for NOW or love UNTIL MARRIAGE? If its love for NOW, then what's the point in sticking with the guy if you cant stand his crap? You should move on to find someone who you want to marry right?

Yeah, this might sound merepek (since i have no experience in this) but i think im making perfect sense. Wouldnt it be wiser to leave the realtionship if you cant stand the guys' ego, parents or mantan girlfriend? Then u get back in the dating game to find THE ONE, or NOT THE ONE BUT BOLELAH..haha.. This saves the heartpain and the stupid quarrels you might go through..But then again, without those heartpain, or those quarrels, you will not know whether he is THE ONE...

so what's my point now???

I've got no points actually, im just bored and have nothing else to blog about. Other than next TUESDAY IS DA BIG DAY!!!!!!

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