Thursday, March 22, 2007

i felt like it do here i am

The bbq was fun, too bad it wasnt windy and that we DIDNT SWIM AT ALL!!!! Can you believe it? we were at the beach the whole day and we didnt swim..damn...but i ate a lot, i stuffed my face from 4pm onwards until night time...then i went to the loo a couple of times because i stuffed my face with all the gassy drinks...hehe, i think i might have just gained a few pounds, NOT! I couldnt really sleep cos the street lamps were shining in my face and cos i miss my bolster...booooo....and the next day when we went home, my body ached. Maybe its due to the fact tat i was scrunched up like a prawn when i did finally fall sleep...thanks for the info norain...

Anyway, the BIG day is in 72 days time. Yeah, the BIG DAY...and i havent done up their poster...and also havent sent my songket to norain's mom. Im so excited, ALL of us are so damn excited... i wonder what my cousin is feeling right now, in about 2 months plus, she'll be all married and attached. How does it feel huh? Excitement? Anxiety? Nervousness?Maybe i should do those wedding journalism thingy, where i take photos 1 week before, until the big day and then do interviews and then compile it into a BIG portfolio...sounds like a great idea but i dont have a SLR to take photos...nevermind, there's always my(mum's actually) digicam...tak standard but at least there are photos...wahhh, so exciting....

im thinking of dyeing my hair, a dark shade of brown..actually, i brought the dye, its dark blonde, u noe like the hazelnut color..hehehe, i dont think it suits me but whatever man. I had the impulse to cut my hair short that day and then to dye it but i didnt. So now i have helmet hair and i look so cute...hah, yar rite..mum was pissed off lah when i brought up the subject of hair coloring but she cant do anything. MD is excited and told me that i should dye my hair before we go off to Manila for the design fair, she doesnt want mum to assume that she influenced me to do such things...apejer org tua nie..

I dont know why some people dont really like people who have dyed hair (like mum for example) Stereotyping kan? I mean, if i've dyed hair, doesnt mean that my akhlak buruk kan...yelah, its not good in the first place to dye hair but it doesnt mean i sleep around or smoke/drink or tak balik rumah 4/5 hari ape...aku pun tak kurang ajar ngan org tua kan? I just want something different for awhile..i know my limits...haiz, i know im not a saint lah...

So, i will....
1. dye my hair tonight, i think..
2. remind myself to get arctic monkey's latest album which will be out next month..
3. go to the toliet to look at my hair again...;p
4. pay my hp bill...hehe, gue lupe lah..
5. watch the old malay movie later on tv

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