Saturday, June 07, 2008

you are the word, the word is destroy i overslept but felt happy, happy, joy, joy. And listening to franz ferdinand, brings back memories of DID days. To top it up, remembered kame from Sapuri yesterday, and i cant help but smile all the way to bedok like a freaking lunatic. The girl sitting opposite kept looking at me, cos i swear i was giving out the secret coyish smile. Anyway, i will bask in this joy until someone comes and pops the bubble.

Went out for dinner at arab st with Her Highness, this time she did most of the complaining. The Bugis outlet sucks like hell and she was so damn pissed. Its not like her to complain much, well, oklah, its in both our bloods to complain a lot. The subject of my singledom was brought up again, since her mum asked, again. Aiyo, everyone is so excited seh. Its not a big deal mah. Why the big hoo haa. Of course im just sitting here waiting for Mr Right.

I dont know which type i am actually, the one who believes in prince charming coming to sweep me off my feet or the cynical one who thinks that NO ONE will ever come to catch me when i fall.
Contrary to popular belief, that i want someone who's meek and will listen to whatever i say or do, I need someone with strong opinions & beliefs, is stubborn and of course has a wicked sense of humour. Contrary to popular belief, i need someone who's the exact opposite of me, since im not all what people think i am. I look serious, grumpy, sarcastic at times and stubborn but not all the way through. Maybe someone will realise that one day and i hope its him.

Haha, yeah, like real, my social life is non existent and the chances of finding Mr Right are 0.0001% seh. But its not wrong to dream right? I'll keep on dreaming and living in La La Land until i'll wake up one day on my 30th birthday and wonder where all the years have gone....
sheesh, such pessimisim on a rainy weekend...

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