Friday, June 17, 2005

F up

I just finished amending the vivo city plan. Man, it was a pain in the ass because I forgot to bring back the soft copy of the amended version. I felt like an idiot seh. Well, im guessing everyone would be nodding their heads to the statement above.

Anyway, yesterday night was like the most fucked up day I could ever had. I won’t elaborate because it just makes my blood boil and I want to bash something or someone up. Im still very pissed off when I think about it. A family of ball-less man and whores are really, really going to get it. Not from me definitely but from God. May they fucking rot in hell man!!! Man, im soo pissed off.

Talking to Norain helped ease my anger, a bit (well, only 10% though). Hey Deq, hope you could keep my problem between us yar? And im sorry for the vast amount of profanities spitting out of my mouth in top speed. I couldn’t help it seh. If I was crazy I would have thrown the rubbish bin from the 3rd floor corridor or I would have stomped and kicked and maybe gnawed the bin. Thank god I have a bit of sanity left in me. I must have looked like a lunatic, crying and cursing with my arms waving in the air.

It was ironic, you know. It was just a few hours after praying to God for the wellbeing and for peace of mind for my family when the bloody @$%#$&^%& thing happened. I can take it if it was about me but when it concerns my family, then I curse back their fucking, satanic family. I feel like screaming my head off right now. If I ever saw them in public, I promise you I would slap their fucking faces and spit them on the face. If that’s not enough I would scream out to the public that they are a bunch of whores and pimps and even dogs won’t stop to sniff at them.

Ok, mengucap di. Aku betul-betul tak faham kenapa orang dengki sangat dengan family aku. We’re not rich in the first place. Why find fault with us? Kita tak berhutang dengan orang. Sakit hati betul lah bila difikirkan. Dari dulu sampai sekarang tak habis-habis nak menyusahkan orang lain. Kalau nak mampus, nak menyundal atau nak kena sondol dengan binatang, jangan nak babitkan orang lain. Just because kita ni bukan kaki gaduh, tak semestinya kita nak duduk diam saja bila orang nak aibkan kita. Haram jadah betul lah betina tu.

What saddens me is that that ball-less man is related to us. Kalau arwah nenek masih ada, tak jadi macam ni. I won’t forgive that bastard and that whore for breaking nenek’s heart when she depended on them. That was all in the past and I thought I could forget it but now that this has happened, jangan harap aku nak lupa. Sampai mati lah aku simpan dendam ni. I know, dendam dengan amarah boleh memakan diri but this is just too much. Just imagine if you went out to meet your friends and one of them slaps your face as a joke. You might (MIGHT) take it lightly at first but if that person does it again and again everytime you meet, don’t you just feel like shoving a sewer pipe through their asshole?
Hope you get what I mean when I say im really pissed off. No more crying for me. No more trusting your own relatives. So, think I’ll curse in my sleep then Ciao.

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