Monday, May 11, 2009

you've gotta be kidding me u asshole

today started off fine, i woke up on time, train wasnt so bloody packed, managed to board the bayshore bus on time therefore i reached office on time, for once. But that all went downhill after lunch.

mum called saying that she might be getting sick, so she wants me to call NUH to postpone the operation. I was truly pissed off. How bloody long does she want to wait? its painful and its cancer dammit, the doctor has said that we cant wait for too long. The blahdy cancer has been in there for like 1 month plus already. i cant stand it being in there, why cant she understand this? i know she's afraid but dammit lah, if we tangguh any further im afraid what has been labelled as benign might turn off worst. the faster the better can? im really worried lah. and i cant stand it when she calls, or any other family member for that matter. PLS DONT FUCKING CALL ME WHEN IM WORKING, especially when u can bloody well type an sms for fuck's sake. im sorry, but im just anal about this. this will ALWAYS get my mood like crap for the whole day when im busy doing dwgs.

and then, the bloody son of a bitch of a contractor called me up at 2.30pm, asking me to join in meeting with the chairman and md at site at 3pm. Bloody asshole. i asked why didnt he tell me earlier, he said he was just called to go. and when i asked if im really needed, he said yes. So i, feeling like there is something wrong with the picture cos when i called md, he didnt pick up his farking phone, went to take a cab. the bloody fucker called me up once asking where i was cos chairman and md already arrived, and then called me up the 2nd time when i was at the ecp almost reaching the city, to apologize and tell me that i was not needed, it was only a site visit to see the exhaust. so i asked the cabbie to drop me off at bugis, while i made a few phone calls and walked around like a lunatic before heading back to office.

it was just absurd because my gut feeling told me that it was a false alarm. if MD wanted me to join in, he would have called me directly. in my mind, i was going, i knew it, i knew it, but i still went out rushing. i was glowering and scowling all the way back to office. and i wanted to push anyone who walked near me. i swear to you, if i get my hands on that moronic shithead, he'd wish he was born with vajahjah instead of what he has right now, cos im gonna kick him in the groin and staple tthose balls to his thighs so he'd never have offsprings again. sadistic? yar whatever, im so fucking pissed i feel like my head is gonna pop off.

i dont care if im being overdramatic or mengada ngada but seriously lah, there's no where else to rant and my life sucks right now so this is the only outlet.

&^*V*&B(*N)M)(P*)N^B&^%%#$^%X#%^R*^ U*GUGUIPL..

there, there, i feel better now. maybe i should write about my espionage dream, which has been continueing like a mystery drama serial...maybe

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